Yearly Archives: 2012
I’m flying out to Montreal for business tomorrow. It’s a 6am to 6pm kind of day – a bit brutal. I remember how much business trips used to excite me. They still do – just not nearly as much as they used to. I bet I can go back to my posts from 2009 and find one of me flaunting my first business trip to Manhattan and proud as ever. I remember being sent on this trip before I even graduated and have barely transitioned from my internship to my full time marketing role. I was in class squealing after receiving the phone call and it was pretty much the best thing ever – I felt like the biggest deal (hahaha). It’s interesting how your sense of accomplishment heightens with experience. Now business trips are just a small deal. :)

When I completed my undergraduate studies, I had my mind set on pursuing my MBA after locking in two years of work experience. Graduating was bittersweet in that I was thrilled by the thought of becoming a part of something greater like the corporate world, but at the same time, couldn’t deny my love for school, for academics, for simply being a student sheltered from the real world by the walls of education. Halfway through, I fell in love with the working world, perhaps got too caught up with my career too quickly that I lost sight of my educational goals and decided that I had no more desire to pursue an MBA. But… after a few recent inspirational conversations with those pursuing their Master’s degree, I’ve changed my mind and am reverting back to the initial plan. I don’t think that there is a better time to pursue more education than in your 20s. Because then by the time you turn 30, all your tools are in order and life really begins. You have the rest of your life to develop your career, raise a family, etc. I feel that education will take a back seat once all of these other life-altering events take place and before you know it, you have a million excuses. So, taking care of it early on is not a bad idea. Plus, opportunity costs have lowered with schools condensing their MBA programs from two years to one year. Brilliant idea. Education is stimulating and I’m exploring.

I continue to be an advocate of Walmart. As a consumer anyway. I know there are criticisms against their business practices but… there is no denying that they are good at what they do. They save us money – who doesn’t want to save money? :)
Also – if you love the Beatles, then you’ll appreciate this! It’s brilliant.

“Beauty is a summation of the parts working together in such a way that nothing is needed to be added, taken away or altered.” –Elio Carletti
Alright, I did this thing yesterday (the striked-out text below) thinking that I was being funny and then I woke up this morning feeling less than comfortable about it. And it’s only because I’m a marketer that I’m hypersensitive to these things. My brand is my baby and because I’ve built and maintained a specific brand image for quite some time now, it’s wise to keep to it and not go off on a tangent out of the blue that could potentially offend certain segments of my audience, which perhaps, my post yesterday could have done. I don’t know whether or not it did, but I took precaution by deleting it altogether and writing up this post tonight. Whether or not I’m overreacting – it doesn’t really matter. I tread with caution because I care! xo
Breaking up is hard to do. (February 22, 2012)
So why not do it in a cute and comedic way? Like through Charlene Precious vintage-inspired photographs with reverse-love quotes? HAHAHA. Oh my goodness. This was a brilliant and hilarious proposition months and months ago by a male colleague of mine. Note the gender emphasis because only men would think of something like this. I have to admit it’s funny. It came up again today at our lunch conversation and I just felt compelled to have fun with it, so here it is! The real thing is every bit as funny as the idea in concept. I pulled up two random Thunderbird photos that I’ve never posted before and threw in the reverse-love Leaving on a Jet Plane lyrics. I’m sure John Denver would not be pleased. Here you have two soft, sweet, and relatively visually stimulating photographs that carry these heartbreaking words, masked by cute cursive writing.
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
Cough Syrup by Young the Giant and Lonely Boy by The Black Keys
Music is glorious.
But LOVE is even more glorious. We are in love. And thus, we too are glorious.
I’m two sales away from 250 sales – feel free to help out! :)