I’ve been struggling with a paper on Bitcoins for the last two days. I’m finally almost done but it has probably been one of the tougher papers I’ve had to write. The topic is a little wild. For those who don’t know, Bitcoin is a digital currency that some believe is the future of currency while others have outright banned it. Here’s how it’s explained “as if you were five”. I know it helped me… ;)
We watched a movie called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, a movie adopted from a novel about two boys and their friendship during World War II in Nazi Germany. It was a really good movie but also heart-wrenching as you can probably imagine. I recommend it though. After watching films like this, it always scares me to see what horror human beings are capable of, especially under authority. There is so much good in the human race but also so much evil. I really want to talk more about this but the time left to finish my paper is running out, so I’ll come back to it in a future post.
Quick update: we are already at 550 fans on Facebook and the contest is going really well! If you haven’t already entered, make sure you do right here. Or just simply like our fan page right here!
Happy Saturday! I hope you all had the sweetest Valentine’s Day.