A friend of mine lives in a home full of funky vintage items collected over many, many years from thrift stores and garage sales. I’m going to go ahead and brand her and her mother the coolest hoarders on Earth. They are “hoarders” of everything vintage that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Ok, they’re not really “hoarders” but you know what I mean. Shame on me for turning a catch-up date into a photography session in and around this home. Everywhere I looked, there was something I needed to take a picture of. If I lived in this house, I could do A Photo A Day for the next five years without having to think ever again. The props are all there – it’s just a matter of picking which ones to use. I was in heaven – I don’t even think my friend or her mother quite understood how happy I was to be in the midst of all of that vintage joy. I have an appreciation for these things and I love finding other people who share the same appreciation. So, I’m basically going to be inviting myself over more frequently to admire their collection. Thank you, Andrea, for having me over. :)
This is a real Kodak vintage film camera.