It’s crazy how quickly the weeks pass. I feel like I’ve only skipped a few days of blog posts when it has actually been a week since the last one. Anyway, final grades for the summer semester have been published and I cleared an A+ in Financial Accounting and an A- in Organizational Behaviour – awesome much? I worked so hard and basically hated my life, but it was all worth it. The whirlwind starts all over again in September though. BUT, at the very least, I’ve read up to Chapter 7 of the Managerial Finance textbook getting a head start and keeping stress levels under control… (lol). I realize I sound like a gigantic nerd but it’s the truth so there’s no shame there. My classes are in Toronto next term, so I’m looking forward to the change in scenery.
I’m getting into another show called Luther. It’s really, really good. I ditched Sons of Anarchy – it kind of sucks after a while.
Last chance to enter the Canon EOS 70D Fantasy Kit Contest, so get those entries in. The contest closes at 11:59PM tonight.