Cruise ships are so magnificent. (Except when they sink.)
I’ve finally purchased a cloud-based back-up / storage system for my photography via CrashPlan. Man, have you ever tried searching “best cloud storage service” on Google and see how many of them come up in the searches? It’s absolutely crazy. Every once in a while, you get to be that consumer who knows nothing about something she has to buy and have to choose among 10+ brands that all say they’re awesome. Next thing you know, you’ve been reading reviews for hours and are still completely undecided and then have to force yourself to make a damn decision. I’ve just gone through what Google and marketers have coined the Zero Moment of Truth, which I wrote about in a previous blog post. Majority of consumers now make their purchase decisions online, where all the research happens. Ten years ago, a greater percentage of purchase decisions were made in-stores.
Anyway, the reason I finally took the plunge is that every now and then, I have nightmares about losing all three of my external hard drives to a fire and bidding farewell to years and years of photography. The thought of it just makes me short of breath. I need something that combats the physical limitations of hard drives, so I chose the cloud as a secondary back-up. I hope it’s a safe and happy journey.
In the mean time, happy Saturday night! I’m getting into Sons of Anarchy.