If I were tiny, I would sleep on a marshmallow.
My drive to work passes the airport, so I see dozens of Air Canada planes fly by daily. What makes this more appealing than seeing planes fly by elsewhere, is the angle and proximity of these planes. They’re closer to you and not a thousand miles away. Because I love taking pictures of airplanes (or anything that is flying up in the sky for that matter), I’ve been meaning to bring my camera along on the drive. It’s just that it’s a bit tricky to point your camera at a flying plane while driving on the highway, but being the delinquent that I tend to be when it comes to photography, I did it today anyway, at the risk of potentially crashing the car. I’m not overly pleased with the quality of the shots (although I must give credit to image stabilizers), so I’ll be doing this every day for the rest of the week until I get one that is satisfactory. This is not rocket science – it just mildly resembles one when you’re driving at 120 km/h and photographing at the same time (lol). Here’s a previous delinquent moment that comes to mind.
This was a helicopter that I caught with the camera in Costa Rica.