I have just completed a project at work on the paperless office phenomenon. My team did such a stellar job that I actually convinced myself that a paperless office would be the greatest thing in the world. Then I stopped by the Paper Shop at Chapters this evening and am reminded all over again of how much I love paper and stationery. Say no to a paperless office! I picked up a new Moleskine notebook for my new job that’s starting on Monday because God knows it’s all about a good notebook to write in and a good pen to write with. For me, a good notebook and a good pen are the seeds of inspiration. The two together could make me write forever and ever. There was a gigantic Moleskine wall at the Etobicoke location of Chapters, you can barely decide which notebook to go with – a problem I don’t mind having.
While at Chapters this evening, I spotted pretty little things like the ones below and of course, got a little photo-happy with my iPhone. (Disclaimer: Although sometimes guilty of it, I do not promote photographing with mobile phones. Must photograph with real cameras. And they must be Canon cameras.) Anyway, who would’ve thought that one could package a set of pencils so beautifully that you struggle to walk away from them? And twine, I love twine! I could spend hours and hours at the Paper Shop, feeding my eyes with beautiful stationery and lusting to buy all of them.