When I completed my undergraduate studies, I had my mind set on pursuing my MBA after locking in two years of work experience. Graduating was bittersweet in that I was thrilled by the thought of becoming a part of something greater like the corporate world, but at the same time, couldn’t deny my love for school, for academics, for simply being a student sheltered from the real world by the walls of education. Halfway through, I fell in love with the working world, perhaps got too caught up with my career too quickly that I lost sight of my educational goals and decided that I had no more desire to pursue an MBA. But… after a few recent inspirational conversations with those pursuing their Master’s degree, I’ve changed my mind and am reverting back to the initial plan. I don’t think that there is a better time to pursue more education than in your 20s. Because then by the time you turn 30, all your tools are in order and life really begins. You have the rest of your life to develop your career, raise a family, etc. I feel that education will take a back seat once all of these other life-altering events take place and before you know it, you have a million excuses. So, taking care of it early on is not a bad idea. Plus, opportunity costs have lowered with schools condensing their MBA programs from two years to one year. Brilliant idea. Education is stimulating and I’m exploring.