In the summer, for a time, I was drawing these little love pictures / notes on Post-its, and then photographing them with my iPhone, and then Instagramming them, and then sending them to my love in the middle of his busy days at work as ‘Midday Notes’, in hopes of lighting a smile, warming a heart, and breaking a thought away from work for a few seconds. (We both work for Canon, by the way). This went on for about a month and so we have a number of these Post-its now posted all over his refrigerator. They are all drawn in pencil with red Sharpie accents, as shown. Something so simple that was only intended to be a sweet gesture for my love has now sparked a new idea – I have an urge to start a blog for it, middaynotes (for your love), as an extension of this photo blog. Or if it’s too far from photography, I may just create a standalone domain for it. And who knows, perhaps one day, the drawings are reproduced and printed in some way or perhaps not – but if we went down that road, it would mean that we’d need a good scanning solution in place. Anyway, the idea itself, the styling, and branding, are all in its infancy and I have to think this through a lot more before moving forward, but the foundation is certainly there. I realize it’s a lot of cheese, but we are also well aware that there is a sizable market for these things. I’ll post a few more examples of these notes in tomorrow’s post.
So: instead of a photo blog like this one, contents of the Midday Note blog would be cute love sketches drawn by Charlene Precious – some are original and others are inspired by existing images and re-drawn to carry the same branding and theme and perhaps an altered message. It is just another means for creativity since I do like to draw. I speak of these ideas as though I have all the time in the world to implement them. I am in dire need of time with my current commitments as it is, so we’ll see how to squeeze this in. When there’s a will, there’s a way!