April 3, 2010

Lucian Matis at LG Fashion Week

Can’t say this isn’t art!

I’m going to edit a couple at a time because I’m too lazy.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:36 am
April 2, 2010

Barbie by David Dixon and Rudsak at LG Fashion Week

Sneak peek. I’ll have a full album up this weekend!

I hardly have shots of their full outfits because I liked their faces better. These models probably got paid $1,000 for a 30-minute show. So, I take advantage and shoot as much of their faces as I can… for free! Love head shots!


Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:36 am
April 1, 2010

We were shooting this at the park by our house and a group of little boys walked up to us. One was a smart aleck and he said “Why would you take pictures of shoes?”, we said “For fun”, smart aleck says “But why? That’s such a waste of film. You’re wasting all your film.”

I’ll say no more.

I’m jumping for joy because I have a wicked weekend ahead of me. Hope you do, too!

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:34 am
March 30, 2010

Turtles are much faster than you think! One turtle running around the deck was okay, but when the other one joined in, I was struggling to keep an eye on both! We think they’re slower than they are and that’s how the tortoise beat the hare.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:33 am
March 28, 2010

Yesterday marked the 4th year and 9th month of growing together, learning together, and loving together. Here you’ll see the first card I ever got from him!

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:33 am