I don’t drink coffee but I like sitting in Starbucks because it makes me feel good. Starbucks has mastered experiential marketing with their cozy, pretty, feel-good atmosphere that makes you want to get up and give out free hugs, or simply sit there and have deep, inspiring conversations with friends for hours and hours. Kudos, Starbucks, you got us!

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 5:04 pm

And they’d appreciate it if I shared them on my blog, so I will.

I have a bad habit with seat belts; I don’t wear them unless the car persistently beeps or the driver yells at me. FACT.

I didn’t know what Triscuits were until a month ago, when my colleague brought some. FACT.

I have a bad habit of not holding doors for people, so they slam behind me and people think I’m rude. FACT.

I despise Excel and spreadsheets terrify me. FACT.

I didn’t know that pickles were cucumbers and that you can “pickle” things. What the..??? I thought pickles grew out of the ground? FACT.

I don’t watch ANY television, so I feel left out when people talk about stuff that happened on this episode and that episode of any show. FACT.

I can’t remember the rest.

I’ve finally invested in a brown winter parka from Aritzia. Finally. I’ve pushed this off for three years because every time I’d try to buy one, I always get distracted by their dazzling wool coats and end up buying those instead. They’re not half as warm and they’re double the money but they’re much prettier and I value the pretty factor more than anything else – who cares if the thing works or not. This is one of the few times in my life that I will purchase something solely for its functionality. I look like crap in these big jackets because I’m so small that I drown in them. But the thing is that I really, really, really, really need a solid jacket that keeps me warm. It was time.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 9:17 pm

I bought NKOTBSB tickets, June 8th, 2011, 7:00PM, Section 102, Row 12. Going with my other half. STOKED!

I promise that if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. But I also promise that if you throw me under the bus, I’ll throw you under a train.

I took this photo at the African Lion Safari in the summer. I didn’t realize how cute it turned out to be! I take a million photos everywhere I go and I never actually look through any one album entirely because it takes too much time. Then weeks or months later, when I’m slacking with taking a real photo a day (like today and the past two days), I go through those albums and get excited over photos that I took that I’ve never actually seen and ooh-ed and aah-ed about.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:54 pm
November 15, 2010

I won a small recognition award at work today for going “above and beyond” and I am fueled to rock and roll today more than yesterday. You know what they say! Motivate employees with recognition. I feel really, really good. My presentation also went very well. All in all a great day and I’d like to send positive vibes your way tonight. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:28 pm

As real as it gets. My haven is my bed with my Macbook, my camera, and my iPhone.

I have a presentation at work tomorrow. Call me a freak, but I love getting scared for things like this. Re: this post. Embrace scary moments.

I missed out on a tea party this afternoon. Please schedule the next one!!!

I’m in starvation nation but I think take-out Pho just came through the front door – thank God. Nom nom, lunch time.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:21 pm
November 12, 2010

Today the clouds were low and we were stuck in a fog. It felt like Stephen King’s The Mist and I was waiting for locusts to come and attack me at work, lol!

Inner beauty doesn’t fade, but for some people, even outer beauty doesn’t fade. I can only hope to be as pretty as my grandmother when it’s my turn to be 82.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 6:28 pm
November 11, 2010

I am thankful for what I have today and that would include this beautiful
country that I live in, fought for by brave souls of our history. So, thank you.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 5:51 pm