I reaaaaaaaally want to see CHARLIE ST. CLOUD and I caaaaaaan’t wait to go to the CNE.
If you didn’t know, now you know: YOU CANNOT take images off of Google and use it for whatever you want, especially for commercial projects. It surprises me how many people think that they can do that. You could get yourself and your company in serious trouble.
Writing my training exam tomorrow! I’m excited! I want to do really well. Training was a lot of funnnnn, especially with a spectacular group of the young and ambitious. I’m a little bit sad that it’s over, but you know, we gotta move forward! ♥ CANON ♥
I’ve been DYING to photograph old school windmills and have been bugging Rico to take me to farms across Ontario, in hopes that I’d find them (most likely not though). I didn’t even realize that the Netherlands was windmill galore until Michelle told me! I was ecstatic!!! I caught a few shots of them along the highway as we were driving into and out of the country, but they could never compare to capturing them up close by actually paying a visit to the countryside farms. Bella, a spunky little lady in our tour group, hopped on the train and went to the countryside – this is a photo that she took that I asked to edit and post in my album. I would not have spent my day shopping if I had known that there was someone else in the tour group that would trek to a farm with me. As good as shopping is, it is NOT as good as going to a farm and doing a photoshoot with old school windmills. Not even close. I WILL BE BACK, NETHERLANDS! (Just not to Amsterdam in particular.)
Anyway, photo credit goes to Bella. I’m going to pretend that I was there with you.
I also REALLY, REALLY want to photograph real, cool lighthouses. I heard New Jersey’s the place. I will go there, too.
My heart is breaking over three concerts that I’ve missed this summer:
My heart is actually breaking. I’m really, really, really, really sad. If I wasn’t going to see the Backstreet Boys on Saturday, I would have to cry in the shower to empty my soul of overwhelming grief.
:) I am starting back up with Toastmasters in September because I don’t do presentations in my new job like I did at my old job, but absolutely can’t lose the skill. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Keep developing, keep improving. Toastmasters will keep it up and alive for me!
Hi, Charlene Precious here! Welcome to my blog that is both a life journal told with words and photographs and an evolving portfolio. I'm thrilled to be able to share my work and my world with you, so thank you for following! (Read more)
View and enjoy a short and
sweet collection of my work right here!