My dog KNOWS when his photo is being taken. You tell him to stay still and he stays still while you shoot away. He moves only when the sound of the shutter stops. Basically, he’s the best dog.

My new glasses and prescribed sunglasses are ready to be picked up tomorrow. So excited for them!

About to go to PHO for dinner with my dad.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:07 pm
June 23, 2010

I saw this photo in Tieng’s album and had to steal it for an edit. What a beauty!

And OMG – FLICKR has a new look and I LOVE IT. It’s so much better than the old look. Come see:

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:07 pm

(Facebook Message) Welcome to Volume 2 because the other album (Volume 1) is at maximum capacity with 200 photos (See Volume 1 here: Lamesauce is all I have to say. I feel like I’m starting from scratch.

Anyway, I was doing research at work today for a cool prize idea and so I was exploring the National Geographics and then came across this: – HELLO, 2011 TRIP! Travel with an acclaimed National Geographic photographer? Game over. If you didn’t know that this existed, then you’re welcome in advance!

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:07 pm
June 21, 2010

OH MY GOSH! THIS ALBUM IS AT MAXIMUM CAPACITY WITH 200 PHOTOS. I thought it was unlimited. I’m really sad. That means I have to start A PHOTO A DAY – VOLUME 2 tomorrow. Facebook, you’ve let me down.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:06 pm
June 16, 2010

I took photos for a friend back in April and still haven’t gone through the album. Sigh. Poor friend (the gentleman in this photo, lol). I know you want to stab me by now. SORRY, D. YOU’LL GET A FEW THIS WEEK.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:05 pm