We delivered our final presentation today on all the work that we’ve done on Charlene Precious Fine Art Photography over the last 10 weeks of the semester. Feels sooo good. We’ve been extremely productive and I am armed with so much information and analysis going forward. I am so grateful to have worked with these guys. TEAM, thank you so much for all your energy and hard work and for choosing to work with me!!!
The team is actually now going through the “adjourning” phase of Tuckman’s stages of group development (lol, yes, I’ve completely just referenced something out of an O.B. textbook). Some of us are graduating and others (like myself) are still chugging along for a few more semesters but I’m feeling quite bittersweet. This course has been awesome. My professor has also encouraged me to do an independent study with her in the Fall to continue building on what we’ve started, so I’m going to take her up on that offer. It’s a brilliant suggestion because it forces me to keep working away at this. Everything is so awesome and exciting!!