Yearly Archives: 2010
This one’s from the Lion Safari’s bird show. The bird was a BEAST!
I think I’ve read in an HR textbook back in school that recognition is one of the greatest motivators in the workplace. I concur. I think that without it, there’s a disconnect. It’s really quite amazing how one genuine praise, a genuine “great job!” (key word is *genuine*) can change your entire day, week, month, year. Sometimes it’s nevermind the money, nevermind the job, nevermind the work environment. Sometimes it’s just wanting to be recognized for your hard work and efforts and feel appreciated. Abraham Maslow did say that we have a hierarchy of emotional needs to fulfill – this is totally one of them! I think we all want a little attention that cold, hard cash can’t provide. But then again, I can’t speak for everyone. When I become a bosslady one day, I will condition myself to be extra sensitive to recognizing, acknowledging, praising, rewarding, and appreciating my team (when it is deserved of course).
Where is this coming from? My wonderful boss who said very nice things as I was leaving the office today. I’m fueled and ready to take on the world today more than yesterday.
This photo was taken in a tunnel that led to the courtyard of Juliet’s home in Verona, Italy. It is tradition to write love letters in this tunnel and so these are love letters from people all over the world who have crossed the tunnel. This photo is just a *small* snippet of thousands of letters.
I did not have a pen, or Scotch tape, or paper, and therefore could not declare my love for Rico in this love tunnel. I blame our tour guide for not supplying us with such necessities.
Going out for PHO for lunch. Yummyyyy!
Good morning! Getting ready for the CNE. Where the sun at though??? Grr.
Charlie St. Cloud was a disappointment, but Zac Efron’s perfect face makes up for it.
81% on my training exam. Meh.
I reaaaaaaaally want to see CHARLIE ST. CLOUD and I caaaaaaan’t wait to go to the CNE.
If you didn’t know, now you know: YOU CANNOT take images off of Google and use it for whatever you want, especially for commercial projects. It surprises me how many people think that they can do that. You could get yourself and your company in serious trouble.