Yearly Archives: 2011

May 9, 2011

I feel like I’ve been eating nonstop since Saturday, celebrating my grandmother’s life. I just got in from my third consecutive dinner party and I’m really, really tired and my eyelids are failing on me. I shouldn’t even be writing right now because I’m going to read this post tomorrow and be disgusted with how bad it is and then I’ll want to delete it. It’s 10 minutes to midnight and a photo must be posted for May 9th of course, so here’s one more from my portfolio feature at work. It’s this photo blown up on a double-page spread! PS. It’s not a chick and a dude. It’s a chick and a chick – my little sister and myself with emo clothes, a camera, and a tripod. I played the emo boy. That’s the secret.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:53 pm
May 8, 2011

“One of the very few reasons I had any respect for my mother when I was thirteen was because she would reach into the sink with her bare hands – bare hands – and pick up that lethal gunk and drop it into the garbage. To top that, I saw her reach into the wet garbage bag and fish around in there looking for a lost teaspoon. Bare hands – a kind of mad courage.” -Robert Fulghum

Took my mom out for a Mother’s Day photoshoot. :) Isn’t she cute?

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:06 pm

A lot of self portraits these past few posts because I’m training my boyfriend on the camera. He’s getting better and better. :) With him knowing the camera, I can stop using the tripod for self portraits. It’s too much work and too limiting. I couldn’t set a tripod on this hill for example. It would just tumble down.

I’ll eventually move to a summer city like San Francisco, so that I can dance with warm sunshine every day. Photography thrives in warm places.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:58 pm

One of the best things in life are the relationships we build with awesome people. My superstar office BFF is moving on to the next big thing and it was one bittersweet day. We started at the same time last June and grew together for one precious year. I’m so happy for you, Vee, but obviously a little torn, too. Congratulations again. You’re a big deal now. I feel like I’m re-living this post. Sending luck and love your way. Never be a stranger to me.

More of my portfolio feature below. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 3:23 pm

This is a late post because I made time to play in the sun, go to the gym, and dine at my favourite Greek restaurant all between 6:00 and 10:00pm.

A Photo A Day was featured in our internal quarterly corporate publication; the same publication that I’m “reading” (or posing with) in this photo. :) More on this tomorrow. I’m really sleepy.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:18 pm

Because they give me photos like these. The boy? My neighbour’s boy. Spotted them outside and asked to borrow their cutie patootie for photos. I’m glad I didn’t scare them too much. That’s what’s nice about looking like a kid myself – I’m innocent, too. The camera he’s holding? A 1968 Canon film camera – vintage as hell. Found it at a garage sale last weekend and bought it for $1.50. I live for garage sales.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 6:11 pm

“The righteous perishes, and no one takes it to heart; merciful men are taken away while no one considers that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death.”Isaiah 57:1-2

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 6:03 pm
May 2, 2011

“I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:33 pm