My man had surprise Swirls Cupcakes of love delivered to my office today. If you didn’t already know, Swirls Cupcakes are the best cupcakes in Toronto. My heart and stomach melted.

My man had surprise Swirls Cupcakes of love delivered to my office today. If you didn’t already know, Swirls Cupcakes are the best cupcakes in Toronto. My heart and stomach melted.
She’s the most star-crazy girl I know and is relentless when it comes to star gazing – you can run but you can’t hide (from Andrea Beiko). She’s also the most loyal Backstreet Boys fan ever and at this point, she really deserves a stripe, a badge, a golden star or a Backstreet crown or something; the girl literally loves the boys unconditionally with the exact same amount of passion now as 15 years ago – not an ounce of difference. And then she’s simply the most organized hoarder of the coolest things – her bedroom dazzles me every time with its bells and whistles. But best of all is that her and I share the most hilarious secret of life that we’ve vowed to take to our graves – this secret keeps our friendship divinely unique and virtually irreplaceable by anything or anyone on the planet.
I present Andrea Beiko to you. Love you, HUNG.
I don’t watch TV, so I’m not up to speed with TV shows – I just go along most of the time or turn my head and try to start up a different conversation with someone else. Today I finally gave Dexter a shot because everyone talks about how much they love the show and it sounds a lot more intriguing than Jersey Shore for instance. I started with Season 1 and I’m up to Episode 8 and down a bag of Crunchy Cheetos, a bag of Sweet Onion Kettle Chips, and a few bowls of fried noodles. Give me another day and I’ll be talking about how much I love Dexter, too. Damn these brilliant fictional characters – they get a hold on me. If only they were real and alive. I’d love for Edward Scissorhands, Edward Cullen, Dexter Morgan, Joe Black, Forrest Gump, Mary Poppins, Tyler Durden, Captain Jack Sparrow, (to name a few) to come alive, hold hands and sing and dance with me and teach me a couple of cool things.
Her mom likes to sew and has a collection of vintage sewing machines that still work and they are stored in these neat antique suitcase-like boxes that are perfect for photography props. She could start a photo-prop rental business and I’d be her most loyal patron. Renting for me, would work a little better than buying because when I buy vintage treasures and bring them home, my parents get irritated and dump them in the garage. I get it – to them, I’m bringing home junk and taking up space that could be used for things that are not “junk”. And I can’t argue with them because I don’t buy vintage items to become a collector of them. I buy them strictly for the joy of photography and when I’m done with them, they will sit in a corner and collect dust, at which point, they are rightfully categorized as junk. Essentially, I love them because they fuel my photography, not because I have a desire to start a collection. Anyway, we all have eyes for different things – one man’s junk is another man’s treasure, temporarily or permanently. Garage sales, thrift stores, vintage shops are bomb.
A little birdie told me that once every spring, there is a gigantic garage sale hosted by a church in my neighbourhood. And it’s gigantic because all the members of that church contribute vintage treasures to the sale. So let’s say they have a congregation of at least 100 people – that should put the size and scope into perspective. It’s supposed to be so good that people get up at 6 in the morning to line up for it. I can’t wait.
A friend of mine lives in a home full of funky vintage items collected over many, many years from thrift stores and garage sales. I’m going to go ahead and brand her and her mother the coolest hoarders on Earth. They are “hoarders” of everything vintage that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Ok, they’re not really “hoarders” but you know what I mean. Shame on me for turning a catch-up date into a photography session in and around this home. Everywhere I looked, there was something I needed to take a picture of. If I lived in this house, I could do A Photo A Day for the next five years without having to think ever again. The props are all there – it’s just a matter of picking which ones to use. I was in heaven – I don’t even think my friend or her mother quite understood how happy I was to be in the midst of all of that vintage joy. I have an appreciation for these things and I love finding other people who share the same appreciation. So, I’m basically going to be inviting myself over more frequently to admire their collection. Thank you, Andrea, for having me over. :)
This is a real Kodak vintage film camera.
It’s another weekend of catching up with great people that I am blessed with. I hate growing up most of the time, but the one thing I do love about it, is the chance to meet awesome people who make my life fuller and better. I have to quote a friend’s recent Facebook status because it’s just so true:
Some days, I feel compelled to purchase :) And I know I’m not the only one. To all the good people in my life, I love you. Keep on being awesome.
I taught my babylove how to roll over for a belly rub. Every time he did it right, I gave him a milk bone. Belly rubs and milk bones? Tough life. Dogs are the best things on Earth (besides food). No one in your entire life will ever be as happy and excited to see you every day and every time, as your dog. Tails waggle, ears perk up, tongues lick, barks go off just because you’re there with them. This is for dog lovers!
Not how I planned to dress to work today. I always have a pair of heels that I switch into from my Uggs when I get into the office because heels are no good outdoors in the winter. Long story short (and don’t mind the plot holes because I’m too lazy to explain): I wore my heels home by accident last night and went to work with my Uggs this morning and forgot to bring along that pair of heels that I wore home. It wouldn’t have been as bad if my Uggs weren’t as dirty and busted and salt-stained as they are. And it would’ve helped if there were no meetings scheduled and I could hide behind my desk and keep my busted boots in the clear. I rocked these busted babies with business attire. Oops moment on this hump day!