Let’s help this baby go viral, shall we? Canon: Because It Counts.
Yearly Archives: 2011
It’s a reason to go extra all out and extravagant with LOVE and I’m down with anything that promotes love. What’s so bad about it? Let’s be honest – we don’t celebrate love out loud like this every day. So if there’s a designated day in the year to go extra crazy with romance, why the heck not? Going all out on Valentine’s Day doesn’t make you love him/her less any other day. It’s simply a special occasion for special expressions of love that are otherwise often lost in the regular, daily routines of life. It’s the hype, symbolism, and significance behind special occasions like these that add that extra dose of excitement. Valentine’s Day is a relationship sprucer and I’m all for it. Happy Valentine’s Day. :)

It hasn’t been too cold this weekend, so I’ve been dragging my toys outside for pictures. I can’t wait for Spring and all of its picture goodness! Dinner with a girlfriend tonight because a rant and catch-up session is due, except that it’s the Sunday night before Valentine’s Day, so restaurants are going to be a red sea of Valentine couples all sporting their PDAs. Just please finish your food quick and get a room. Thanks!

An oldie but goodie is Oasis’ All Around The World.
It’s playing in the background. I’m speechless.
My brother repaired all of my corrupted Boyz II Men concert photos. :) I tried to repair them myself with two different recovery programs but neither worked. And just as I almost lost hope and came to terms with losing these photos, my brother came to save the day. Thank goodness for brothers.

Is She Really Going Out With Him is an MTV show about hot chicks with douche bags.
I can express everything somehow, someway, through photographs and a few words. And when I do, I feel renewed. Expression is a healer. Just now, I shot an infection dead with my camera. No room in my life (or in yours) for toxics and sour grapes and molds and weeds and cancers, etc. Get rid of them.