Yearly Archives: 2011
WHAT A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE, both in work and in life. The past two business trips have been phenomenal and I am so, so, so grateful for these opportunities. We worked our tails off and I am exhausted and I am about to get sick, but I am high off of these experiences. Amazing, amazing, amazing and all worth it.
The photos below are from the Montreal Bell Centre with our Eastern sales team. It’s supposed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to skate on this ice. I know nothing about hockey but I definitely knew how to appreciate something like this. I was in awe, running up, down and around the arena like a little girl in a candy store. I even ran onto the ice with my Uggs on. And then I decided that I had to borrow someone’s skates and actually skate on the ice even though I don’t know how to skate. More photos tomorrow.
Boyz II Men concert. I miss the 90’s so, so, sooo much.
I think I’m being punished for sneaking in my big camera. I was caught and told not to use it but I obviously still used it. I got home, super excited to load the photos to my computer only to find out that almost half of the photos were corrupted. What the crap? I’ve been through far too many of these freak photo-damage/loss accidents to panic, so I’m nice and calm and running a recovery on the card right now to try and bring back the dead files. If it doesn’t work, I’m going to call SanDisk and throw a fit. The corrupted photos WILL be recovered one way or another. Don’t mess with my pictures!
I’m back from the best business trip yet. Dare I say that it’s a tiny bit better than my fashion trips to Manhattan at my previous job? Can you even believe that? The most hectic and stressful and tiring, yet the most fun. I’ve never seen this side of the sales world, that could explain my explosion of love. Young daytime superstar professionals and nighttime party people. You absolutely couldn’t find a better group of people to work hard and party with. Words cannot express how exhausted I am though. I’m ready to pass out a hundred times. Montreal is next!
Photo below is half of our Western sales team at Ranchman’s. The other half was on the other bus, en route.
I will be in Calgary from Wednesday to Friday for business and then in Montreal from Monday to Wednesday for business. I’m excited and stressed. I’m almost bipolar. You know how many times I’ve said “I’m going to ditch A Photo A Day this week because I’m too busy”? Like every day. But I just can’t! I’d rather have weak photos for a few weeks than ditch altogether.

She’s always wondering what I do with the pictures I take of her and I’m always too lazy to explain. Too complicated in Chinese.
And my day was instantly better, like a nasty cloud lifted and went on to hover over the next victim. Monday & Tuesday were torturous because that was when the virus was at its peak and I had all sorts of lovely things coming out of my flaking nose, nightmare sinuses that gave me disgusting headaches, etc., and all stresses and problems were magnified. Today, my to-do list grew bigger and I’m even busier than the last two days, but my day was pleasant because I physically felt better. There you have it, my friends. Physical health is emotional and mental health. If your body feels like sh*t, so does everything else in your life. And vice versa. Take care of your health. Not that I should be the one preaching about health. I’m easily the unhealthiest person you’ll ever know. But basically, if I ever find the discipline to commit to the gym, it would strictly be about preserving my health, not to get pretty for anyone.

I want spring/summer pictures. It’s really hard to take a photo a day when it’s too dark and cold to shoot outside and you’re stuck in your room with nothing to photograph. I also have all these pending ideas for the Love Story Series that can’t happen until the weather gets warmer unless Hypothermia’s part of the plan. So basically, winter’s gotta go.
My boyfriend is away for three weeks in February, vacationing with his family, so I am wide open and filling up my calendar with back to back dates. Pencil me in!!! Then when he gets back, we’re signing up for ballroom/latin/salsa dance lessons with Arthur Murray Dance Studio. :)