Yearly Archives: 2011
This is the final item in my summer (photo)bucket list – the Windfest 2011 Kite Festival by the beach. I can now say I’m ready for Fall. I’ve had the fullest, fullest summer yet. I traveled and I made every weekend back home an eventful weekend, not with party things, but with little road trips and adventures. I went to see Portugal, Spain, hot air balloons, kites, airplanes, carnivals, circuses, abandoned houses – things I love but would not have energy to get up and go do and see if it wasn’t for photography. So much of my photo wishes have come true. I’ve truly found something that makes me sooo happy. My Etsy Shop is at 127 sales – help me make it explode. Come shopping if you’re ever bored :).
There were a ton of crazy looking kites at the festival, but I had my eye on this one because it looked most like your classic, back-to-basics, diamond-shaped kite with a tail and it was a thousand times more beautiful than any kite packed with bells and whistles.

I found that the older I got, the less I could handle sitting for hours in a salon doing nothing, while I wait for my hair to soak up all the colour chemicals. So it’s becoming standard practice for me to lug my laptop with me and do work on it while at the salon. There’s wifi. Does anyone else do this?
This is supposed to be the actual plane from the movie Memphis Belle in 1990. Once again, I love the pin-up girl. It makes it look so old, so vintage.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.
On a more angry note, I sent an Etsy order to Ottawa almost two weeks ago and it still hasn’t arrived. By Friday, if it still doesn’t get there, I’ll be angered but have to accept that Canada Post has lost my package. This is the worst part about running an online business. You can only control things up until shipping. After shipping, it’s entirely up to the shipping Gods whether or not your package gets to its destination. I’m a worrier by nature and so the uncertainty of shipping drives me crazy and gives me frequent heart attacks. To make matters worse, enabling tracking on your mail is an extra $20 or so. How is that even economical for anyone? There is no solution.
I walked into ANTHROPOLOGIE for the first time in Buffalo – where has this store been all my life??? We have this store in Canada? It’s really a shame that I’ve had no idea. My heart was racing inside this place. If I could live in a store, I would live in Anthropologie. That or Urban Outfitters. Urban Outfitters is a bit more affordable but I love both stores’ vintage gadgets and things equally. Ah, inspiration for my future shabby chic HOME and my STUDIO in my home. It’s going to be perfect. I want to fast forward to X dollar of savings so I can buy a house and decorate already! :)

The Niagara Air Show in Buffalo was PHENOMENAL. The CNE Air Show was child’s play compared to this one. We were inside the actual military base and fighter jets were lined up and down the entire place and you had front row views to everything flying in the sky. It was INCREDIBLE. The traffic to get to the show was sooo extremely bad that we missed two hours of the show, even having left Toronto quite early. I can’t wait to go back next year. It felt like I was in “Top Gun” and “Armageddon”.
I managed to make the patriotic Thunderbirds look soft and girly because that’s what I do. I thought that this photo would also be appropriate for the remembrance of 9-11.

Today was one big run-around and being in two places at once and switching the brain on and off from one meeting to another. Crazy and exhausting. I am so happy that it’s Friday – I have a full weekend ahead! I am going to an Air Show in Buffalo, NY tomorrow with the U.S. Air Force and guess what? I think I’m going to have perfectly blue skies. :) And then on Sunday, I’m heading up to a friend’s cottage for a product photoshoot. I am also going to see Contagion tonight, which scored a whopping 81% on Rotten Tomatoes. I was having a conversation with a colleague today about how much I loved morbid, scary, twisted movies, and… I learned today that SO DOES HE! Suddenly I don’t feel so dark in the soul. :) I know that all these girly pretty photos and pink flowers could’ve fooled you, but I actually like dark and sad things just as much as I love bright and happy things. Make it a good Friday night, lovelies!

I can’t stand being inside an airplane because I get air and motion sickness, but that doesn’t stop them from fascinating me. And it certainly doesn’t stop me from loving to photograph them! It helps that airplanes will eternally have the beautiful sky as a backdrop, which I think has become my favourite backdrop for everything. If everything can be shot against the sky, I would be a very happy girl. All this airplane talk reminds me: I took two Gravols on the way to Prague hoping to be comfortably knocked out the entire way there, but it turns out that the recommended two tablets were too much for my little body and I was way overly knocked out, I just could not open my eyes when I wanted to. Scary!