We were driving on the country road and came across a sheep farm. We pulled over (story of my life) and I ran down and climbed over the ditch to get closer to the barbed wire fence that was separating the sheep and I. The herd was conveniently hanging out by the fence; perfect for a photograph, I thought. But as soon as I reached the fence, I seem to have also startled them and they all went gallivanting away and into the middle of the field, putting them in a place that was too distant for a good photograph. So I walked to the nearest house in sight to bother a man whom I had hoped to be the owner of the farm. It turns out that he wasn’t the owner but (fortunately) knew the owner and generously provided me with his phone number. I gave the man a ring to ask to photograph his sheep and here we are. For the love of photography.
Went away to Rice Lake for a beautiful weekend that made up for my tough week. I know that I’m always harping about life and how much I love it but I really do love it. Mostly because I have the best people in it.
This is an abandoned house we ran into in Cobourg. We all know that I have a thing for houses in the middle of nowhere, so we obviously pulled over. More than once. We first pulled over in the morning when the sky was flat and grey and of course, I wasn’t ecstatic about the shots because ugly skies are the worst. So we went back in the evening at sunset and those shots were slightly better but still not my favourite. So we tried again the next morning and voila – third time’s a charm – the perfect amount of puffy clouds and baby blue in the sky. :)
Been so busy! The good news is that I wrote my 5th practice exam and scored 600. :) It seems like all I’ve been rambling about here in the last few posts is the GMAT exam. I swear I am close to reaching this milestone. December 29th is the day and you’ll never hear about it again. Check out the cute donkeys in the mean time.
In the summer, for a time, I was drawing these little love pictures / notes on Post-its, and then photographing them with my iPhone, and then Instagramming them, and then sending them to my love in the middle of his busy days at work as ‘Midday Notes’, in hopes of lighting a smile, warming a heart, and breaking a thought away from work for a few seconds. (We both work for Canon, by the way). This went on for about a month and so we have a number of these Post-its now posted all over his refrigerator. They are all drawn in pencil with red Sharpie accents, as shown. Something so simple that was only intended to be a sweet gesture for my love has now sparked a new idea – I have an urge to start a blog for it, charleneprecious.com/ middaynotes (for your love), as an extension of this photo blog. Or if it’s too far from photography, I may just create a standalone domain for it. And who knows, perhaps one day, the drawings are reproduced and printed in some way or perhaps not – but if we went down that road, it would mean that we’d need a good scanning solution in place. Anyway, the idea itself, the styling, and branding, are all in its infancy and I have to think this through a lot more before moving forward, but the foundation is certainly there. I realize it’s a lot of cheese, but we are also well aware that there is a sizable market for these things. I’ll post a few more examples of these notes in tomorrow’s post.
So: instead of a photo blog like this one, contents of the Midday Note blog would be cute love sketches drawn by Charlene Precious – some are original and others are inspired by existing images and re-drawn to carry the same branding and theme and perhaps an altered message. It is just another means for creativity since I do like to draw. I speak of these ideas as though I have all the time in the world to implement them. I am in dire need of time with my current commitments as it is, so we’ll see how to squeeze this in. When there’s a will, there’s a way!
I scored 600 on my GMAT practice exam on Sunday. :) That was enough of a confidence booster that I finally booked my exam for December 29th, 2012 at 12:00pm – $250 just like that – it makes me a little sick. New Years will be a celebration of a good score and a temporary end to my evening and weekend studies. I might look to replace that free time with volunteering. Or maybe exercising for once in my life. No rest for the wicked! Schulich, I’m coming for you. I’m so excited!!!
Hi, Charlene Precious here! Welcome to my blog that is both a life journal told with words and photographs and an evolving portfolio. I'm thrilled to be able to share my work and my world with you, so thank you for following! (Read more)
View and enjoy a short and
sweet collection of my work right here!