Survived week 1 at work. :) Now onto week 2. Steep learning curve. Good challenge. Out of my comfort zone. I’ve been getting out of my comfort zone A LOT in the last two years and it has been good for the soul. Remember, comfort is stagnation. A bit of stress, anxiety, and discomfort is growth. Nothing happens in comfort zones, so always be making moves. That’s my friendly reminder. :) I’m going to go eat my favourite meal for dinner now – it’s the simplest yet tastiest family recipe passed down from generation to generation – ground pork chopped up into little pieces and cooked with fried onions and soy sauce, eaten with plain steamed rice. It takes 5 minutes to make and it’s literally SO damn GOOD.
Here’s a closer shot of Pigeon Point Lighthouse. :)
Went bridesmaids shoes shopping today and got the perfect pair at Le Chateau for $60. Le Chateau is a hit or miss but today it was a hit. Plus, we splurged on our dresses and so we are being more frugal with shoes and accessories to keep the balance. :)
Two songs on replay these days: Changes by Faul & Wad Ad vs. Pnau and Animal by Miike Snow.
This is supposed to be the tallest lighthouse in the West coast of the US. When we were driving along the Pacific Coast Highway, lighthouses were obviously on the list. :) There were tons of them but this was the only one that was worth seeing that was also close enough to drive to. I know I’ve said it a million times but I love lighthouses. I don’t know what it is – there is something about them that’s so beautiful and haunting at the same time.
This was taken on an endless road by the Pigeon Point Lighthouse in California. I have beautiful photos of the lighthouse that I’ll share in the next post just to break up the pictures and not bombard with San Fran. :) I LOVE lighthouses.
I’ve had a busy week but what’s new, right? I wanted to post this announcement last night but was too damn exhausted. I’m running a 48-hour sale (now just over 24 hours left) in celebration of reaching my 600th sale yesterday. The sale is: buy any print up to an 8×12 at my Etsy shop and get a free 5×5 print of your choice. :) Sale ends tomorrow, May 2nd at 11:59PM EST.
Got all my marks back from this past semester. All A’s except a nasty B+ from Managerial Accounting. B+’s used to be just fine and so I’m not sure how they got to be so nasty in the MBA program. They feel like a slap in the face every time, lol.
I’m ONE SALE away from 600 sales at my Etsy shop!! So excited. Thinking about how to celebrate the 600th sale. Maybe a giant 1-day sale. We’ll see!
Oh and for the love of documentation: today was my first day at General Mills. :)
Here they are! Newly listed at my Etsy shop. I have a few more shots of these Victorian houses; will share them in the next post. The architecture of homes in San Francisco are so beautiful. I think the average price of a small but nice looking home is $2 million. Puke!
On another note, I watched this video yesterday and I’m more scarred by it than any horror movie I’ve seen. Ignorance is bliss.
Finally did my first exhibit!!! I’m not one to capture life events on Smartphones but this is all I have from the show for now. I was so caught up in all of it that I didn’t even take my actual camera out of my bag once to snap a few decent photographs. Regrettably, we’ll just have to settle for an Instagram shot. Nothing makes me less satisfied than capturing life events on phones, given their current quality. It makes me feel like the events aren’t captured at all. I don’t know what it is. If you can’t ever blow up the picture, print it and display it on your walls or a physical photo album, or project it on a screen without it looking like complete crap, I don’t consider it “captured”. You can’t tell stories with your pictures the same way on a darn mobile device or laptop screen. And the story is certainly less compelling when the pictures are crap. But that’s just me. But I also do realize that in the next 5 years, Smartphones will have the same censors as point-and-shoot cameras or even DSLRs (for the real innovative companies), at which point, my narrative would change. Anyway, at least there were professional photographers on site, so I’m going to see how I can get a hold of their shots. :) Overall an amazing show with some serious talent. For what it’s worth, I’ve certainly been bit by the “showcase bug” and am definitely going to do more shows in the future.
Going back to San Francisco photography, The Painted Ladies are up next.
Is this overkill yet? Haha! There are so many more but I’m going to force myself to move on from the bridge and onto other pictures in the next post. (I think.) So yesterday’s post was the view of the bridge from the east and then these ones are the view of the bridge from the west. Chris and I hiked through a series of coastal trails. Stunning I tell you.
Tomorrow I start setting up for the RAW:Toronto’s Spectrum showcase. I’m kind of nervous because it’s my first show but excited at the same time. There are so many little details to tend to. Let’s hope it all goes well. If you haven’t bought your ticket, you still can right here. :) Hope to see you there on Thursday night!
I didn’t post yesterday as promised so I’m posting three pictures today. :) I’m calling this Golden Gate Bridge Part 1 because there are a few other shots I want to share on the next post. We literally climbed every hill in San Francisco and walked for miles to see the bridge from every point, lol. I’ve got San Fran with blue skies and San Fran with fog. :) Such a gorgeous bridge. These are now available at my Etsy Shop. And for your interest, check this photo out from back in 1937 when the bridge was being built. It’s pretty wild. More to come!!
Ahhh, I’ve finally taken my long awaited trip to San Francisco and I am SO IN LOVE with the city!!! It’s so beautiful with the PERFECT mix of the ocean, nature, and city life. And the hills. Oh the hills. Walking to the corner store is a complete workout but I love it anyway. I have over 3,000 pictures to go through and I’m so excited to post them and make them available at my Etsy shop. California in general is so beautiful. We road-tripped to a few hidden gems along the coast and everything was just breathtaking. The world is truly a beautiful place, my heart is almost constantly jumping out of my chest when I travel. I have a BUSY few days ahead getting ready for the RAW:Toronto’s Spectrum showcase and so the pictures may come slowly but they WILL come! :) I will try to post 1 or 2 daily. (If you live in Toronto, come hang out at the showcase!)
I’m already thinking about the next trip. I may hit up Nevada and Arizona again in September or October and do a more thorough adventure by the desert. The bigger more costly trips will have to wait until next year since these darn wedding expenses are eating up all the travel budget! :P
Hi, Charlene Precious here! Welcome to my blog that is both a life journal told with words and photographs and an evolving portfolio. I'm thrilled to be able to share my work and my world with you, so thank you for following! (Read more)
View and enjoy a short and
sweet collection of my work right here!