356 sales on Etsy – Vegas prints are on fire. Sales have picked back up this week but I had certainly hit a slump last week, I’m guessing because of back-to-school madness but it’s a bit of a bummer when sales are slow. Actually, it’s a lot of a bummer. What’s interesting is that my boyfriend is a Sales Manager and through him, I have a new found appreciation for hardworking sales professionals because, well, let’s put things into perspective here: I get sad and mopey when Etsy sales are slow, but meanwhile, am I out cold calling, knocking on doors, pounding the pavement prospecting for business, delivering proposals, getting doors slammed in my face, and facing rejection all over the place? No. My state of sadness from an Etsy ‘sales slump’ is hardly justifiable when I spend 25% of my days tending to the shop and don’t do any groundwork to gain my sales. But the truth is, I still get bummed. And my point is, imagine doing all of that work every day and then at the end of it all, still having to sometimes face the fact that sales are slow. Excuse me? Come again? That hurts my ear (and head). So: to the hardworking, and as a result, successful sales professionals out there, I have admiration for your bulletproof attitude and persistence through those doom and gloom days, where many of us may just quickly resort to moping and crying ourselves to sleep with Coldplay songs. (Don’t get me wrong, I love Coldplay, but do admit that their music may help to worsen rather than lift one’s sorrows.)