Back for a post. And this time to document something exciting. Chris proposed to me off of a horse carriage in the cobblestone streets of Old Montreal this weekend. The man continues to sweep me off my feet and I love him and everything about him to absolute pieces. I also love this blog because it really has become a journal of my life since 2009, capturing everything from the minute details to the extremely special moments like these, all in words and photographs. Life just got that much more awesome (and busy). Wedding plans shall be in full swing (along with the million other things I’m trying to take on). I’m so, so, so excited for the future. I am so happy.
I am also absolutely fascinated by everything that I am learning at school and wish that I can tell you all about it. I’m pressed for time pretty much all the time and have to rush through these posts more often than not, but I hope to get around to it somehow. I’ll also come back to tell the romantic proposal story in more detail when I’ve got more time. In the mean time, I wanted to quickly get this up ASAP while it’s fresh and in the moment. :) I’ve got permanent butterflies in my stomach!