October 12, 2012

Watching the soccer game tonight with the Canon Marketing team – Canada VS Cuba. Should be fun but should also be cold. This calls for parkas, Uggs, and furry hats.

The TV turned on all by itself in the middle of night last night – it felt like a scene from Paranormal Activity. The worst part was that we tried to turn the TV off and it wouldn’t do it. Only after about the 8th time we pressed the power off button, did the TV decide to turn off. When you wake up in the middle of the night, your head isn’t all there, so it wasn’t all that scary at the time. In the morning though, and in hindsight, it is a bit creepy. No hauntings, please.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 11:08 am

The sleeper must awaken.

I studied for 4.5 hours straight today. I haven’t done that since University. My head is spinning.

I’m blogging from the Apple Store right now while I wait for a genius from the Genius Bar. I’m trying to get my iPhone 4S replaced with a new one because it has been doing crazy things for the past 6 months, I’ve just been too lazy to deal with it. So, while I still have two months left on my 1-year Manufacturer’s Warranty, I thought I’d better get on it. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 3:39 pm

I’ve been busy and have been back to posting inconsistently – sorry.

First of all, I have finally retired my 6-year-old Macbook even though there is still no end in sight except for a fried battery, which six years later, is an acceptable problem to have. For those who have been Mac lovers forever, you may recall the old generation 13″ Macbooks that were dressed entirely in white – the apple of my eye and love of my life for many years – we are now parting ways. I was just itching to start anew with a pretty Macbook Pro, so I splurged on one and upgraded it to an 8 GB ram. This thing is speedy gonzales and editing my photos is like heaven on Earth. Not that it wasn’t before on the old Mac, but it is even faster now. I’m also operating on Mountain Lion and can send iMessages through my laptop – amazing. I also splurged on a Herschel laptop case (to match with my Herschel backpack) and the all new and mighty Magic Mouse, which, by the way, takes my breath away and I hereby proclaim my love for it.

Secondly, I’ve booked off the entire week up until Tuesday next week to use up my remaining vacation days this year. It’s not much of a vacation though when I’d rather be in San Francisco and am instead studying, fulfilling Etsy orders, organizing, ramping up my new Mac, and checking into work every now and then to prevent or put out fires. We’ll have to make it a vacation by sleeping in every day I suppose.

Have to make dinner for the man now. When I have time off and am ‘not working’ and am at home instead of traveling, then I would inevitably become domesticated. You know – cook and clean and stuff like that. Foreign to me on most days (lol).

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 3:43 pm
October 7, 2012

I’m a couple of days late with this post, but better late than never. It has been five years since my friend passed in a car accident. I left you pink flowers, Dor. We love and miss you.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 2:47 pm
September 27, 2012

I’m up to question #80 of 170 data sufficiency questions and they’re getting really, really hard and I’m struggling with them (lol).

Mary persuaded n friends to donate $500 each to her election campaign, and then each of these n friends persuaded n more people to donate $500 each to Mary’s campaign. If no one donated more than once and if there were no other donations, what was the value of n?

Statement 1: The first n people donated 1/16 of the total amount donated.
Statement 2: The total amount donated was $120,000

(a) Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
(b) Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question asked.
(c) BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
(d) EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
(e) Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and additional data specific to the problem are needed.

What the heck is even going on in that question?

It’s crunch time at work and I love it! Busy is the best. Downtime gives me anxiety.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 6:16 pm
September 24, 2012

It’s as if a light bulb had literally been flicked on in my head and GMAT data sufficiency is suddenly a walk in the park. The human brain is fascinating in the way it adapts, digests, and familiarizes itself with new and complex information. Five months ago, data sufficiency was the sour grape of my life and now it’s quite the opposite.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:51 pm
September 23, 2012

I take a liking towards movies that make me feel – whether the emotion is ecstatic and uplifted or distraught and uncomfortable, they’re emotions that make a satisfying movie treat. World’s Greatest Dad was deep, dark, and depressing, but comedic in a really twisted way. I’ve grown fascinated with dark comedies over the years because they’ve mastered how to put you in a state of agony while they rip your heart out and make you laugh at the same time. Click here for the premise of the movie. The acting was convincing and well done, especially from the boy who played Robin Williams’ son, who managed to get under my skin so much so that I hated his guts and wanted to throw a rock at him through the television screen. There are mixed reviews about the movie but I’m siding with the positive ones. The ending was weak and left me wanting more, but I enjoyed it all around.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 12:46 pm
September 19, 2012

Carnivals make me happy. My brain is fried right now and all I want to do is watch Walking Dead and eat cookies. But sadly, I’m a slave to the GMAT for the next hour or so. Yipee!

If y is the smallest positive integer such that 3,150 multiplied by y is the square of an integer, then y must be:
a) 2 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 e)14

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:31 pm
September 18, 2012

356 sales on Etsy – Vegas prints are on fire. Sales have picked back up this week but I had certainly hit a slump last week, I’m guessing because of back-to-school madness but it’s a bit of a bummer when sales are slow. Actually, it’s a lot of a bummer. What’s interesting is that my boyfriend is a Sales Manager and through him, I have a new found appreciation for hardworking sales professionals because, well, let’s put things into perspective here: I get sad and mopey when Etsy sales are slow, but meanwhile, am I out cold calling, knocking on doors, pounding the pavement prospecting for business, delivering proposals, getting doors slammed in my face, and facing rejection all over the place? No. My state of sadness from an Etsy ‘sales slump’ is hardly justifiable when I spend 25% of my days tending to the shop and don’t do any groundwork to gain my sales. But the truth is, I still get bummed. And my point is, imagine doing all of that work every day and then at the end of it all, still having to sometimes face the fact that sales are slow. Excuse me? Come again? That hurts my ear (and head). So: to the hardworking, and as a result, successful sales professionals out there, I have admiration for your bulletproof attitude and persistence through those doom and gloom days, where many of us may just quickly resort to moping and crying ourselves to sleep with Coldplay songs. (Don’t get me wrong, I love Coldplay, but do admit that their music may help to worsen rather than lift one’s sorrows.)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 4:04 pm