And my day was instantly better, like a nasty cloud lifted and went on to hover over the next victim. Monday & Tuesday were torturous because that was when the virus was at its peak and I had all sorts of lovely things coming out of my flaking nose, nightmare sinuses that gave me disgusting headaches, etc., and all stresses and problems were magnified. Today, my to-do list grew bigger and I’m even busier than the last two days, but my day was pleasant because I physically felt better. There you have it, my friends. Physical health is emotional and mental health. If your body feels like sh*t, so does everything else in your life. And vice versa. Take care of your health. Not that I should be the one preaching about health. I’m easily the unhealthiest person you’ll ever know. But basically, if I ever find the discipline to commit to the gym, it would strictly be about preserving my health, not to get pretty for anyone.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:49 pm
January 17, 2011

I want spring/summer pictures. It’s really hard to take a photo a day when it’s too dark and cold to shoot outside and you’re stuck in your room with nothing to photograph. I also have all these pending ideas for the Love Story Series that can’t happen until the weather gets warmer unless Hypothermia’s part of the plan. So basically, winter’s gotta go.

My boyfriend is away for three weeks in February, vacationing with his family, so I am wide open and filling up my calendar with back to back dates. Pencil me in!!! Then when he gets back, we’re signing up for ballroom/latin/salsa dance lessons with Arthur Murray Dance Studio. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:53 pm
January 12, 2011

I sat through a very, very inspiring speech today at our marketing launch. I love successful people (I call them the big boys); they give me a rush. Woohoo! I am inspired by our rock and rolling 250+ sales team. They make me want to make money.

You know what they say – if you want to be young and making the same amount of money (or more) as your doctor and lawyer friends (or catch up to them FAST) without being a doctor or a lawyer and without paying back medical or law school debt, go into sales. BOOM! That’s how you do it.

Universities give us the complete wrong impression of a career in sales. I came out of Ryerson University thinking that sales is for MEH people (and maybe in some cases it is but obviously not all), but I am just learning that my entire outlook on it is completely, 200% faulty and ignorant. It is actually one of the most exciting and rewarding career paths, if you can rock and roll at it. I developed this false concept during my four years in university, so I blame Ryerson for this one. But thanks to working for Canon, the company has shed light on my ignorance.

I delivered my presentation four times today. I feel like I’m going to sleepwalk tonight and start presenting to my dog. Four more times tomorrow and then it’s finally Friday.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:16 pm

I’m so tired, I almost did a Death by Tuesday photo, but then I’m even too tired to do that, so I pulled out a photo of Venice instead. The first of three marketing launches have arrived. Tomorrow and Thursday is going to be like one never-ending day – bittersweet chaos from 7:30am to 9:00pm for both days. Friday, where you at? Hurry up.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:11 pm

It is one of those die-on-your-bed-as-soon-as-you-get-home Monday nights. Previous Death by Monday here. Our big marketing launch is coming up on Wednesday and Thursday, so that’s what all the hustle and bustle has been all about. Don’t get me wrong – it is very exciting and I get an opportunity to present and I am all about jumping on presentation opportunities. But getting everything ready is exhausting. BUT – the more exhausting it is, the more rewarding it is when it all comes together.

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 7:43 pm

My post last night said that I was about to watch The Uninvited but turns out that I’ve already seen it – lol! Too many horror movies, it’s all becoming a blur. I ended up watching The Book of Eli instead, followed by 127 Hours. Loved both. The Book of Eli is all about the preservation of the bible in a post-apocalyptic world and I’m a bible-loving Christian, so it’s inevitable that I liked the movie. Plus, Denzel Washington rocks forever. 127 Hours reminded me of Buried. The premise of both involved a character that is trapped in a small space and resorts to desperate measures to survive – one about a man that is trapped underneath a boulder in the Grand Canyon and the other about a man trapped in a coffin buried in the ground in Iraq. Both are mortifying situations but being buried alive is probably worse. But then 127 Hours is a true story. But then being buried alive probably happens all the time, it’s just that… like many horror stories in the world, we don’t hear/know about it. Ignorance is bliss and we love our rose-coloured glasses.

I haven’t done Wall-E in a while, so here are some tobogganing Wall-Es. I wish snow would stay clean and pretty all the time. :)

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 3:16 pm
January 7, 2011

I love all you entrepreneurs, the legit ones, not the ones that create a Facebook page and call themselves an entrepreneur. No, no, you are not an entrepreneur. I love you legit entrepreneurs because you have the ballsyness that the rest of us don’t. You are ballsy enough to park the full time job thing and invest all your time, energy, and resources into your own venture, so you can work for yourself. And I particularly admire two special entrepreneurs (whose ventures are going to explode with success) because they are the fruits of Ryerson University: Joshua Richards, founder of Maverick Creative and Hailey Coleman, founder of Damn Heels. I know Josh personally, but not Hailey. Both are geniuses in their own way.

You heard it here first: Maverick Creative will be that next big and funky creative agency that all the cool kids want to work for.

Below is a snapshot of Hailey Coleman’s labour – the top photo is an article in a Ryerson publication that was mailed to me and the two mini photos below that, are my very own pair of Damn Heels. This is that great idea that is not just all talk but it is that great idea that is executed. And executed gracefully with extraordinary marketing, especially in the packaging. Who wouldn’t want a piece of that little black-pink pouch with a pair of cute disposable/bendable flats? Even if the product itself didn’t interest you, the packaging will make you pick it up anyway.

Execution is everything. If you can’t execute, you’ve got nothing.

Keep on keeping on, entrepreneurs!!!

Posted By Charlene Precious @ 8:34 pm