I don’t watch TV, so I’m not up to speed with TV shows – I just go along most of the time or turn my head and try to start up a different conversation with someone else. Today I finally gave Dexter a shot because everyone talks about how much they love the show and it sounds a lot more intriguing than Jersey Shore for instance. I started with Season 1 and I’m up to Episode 8 and down a bag of Crunchy Cheetos, a bag of Sweet Onion Kettle Chips, and a few bowls of fried noodles. Give me another day and I’ll be talking about how much I love Dexter, too. Damn these brilliant fictional characters – they get a hold on me. If only they were real and alive. I’d love for Edward Scissorhands, Edward Cullen, Dexter Morgan, Joe Black, Forrest Gump, Mary Poppins, Tyler Durden, Captain Jack Sparrow, (to name a few) to come alive, hold hands and sing and dance with me and teach me a couple of cool things.