I’m taking a course called Strategic Capability Development and the course focuses on one main project that requires us to pick a business initiative to pursue, strategize for, and execute within the next 10 weeks. Ideas, plans, and strategies tend to be great up until the point of implementation, which is always the hardest part! And so the core purpose of the course is to provide us with the right tools and frameworks that help bring strategy to life. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to share my fine art photography business with the class to see who would be interested in helping me take it to the next level, and here they are! My all-star dream team for the next 10 weeks who I adore and am grateful for. We have quite the natural team chemistry and I couldn’t ask for anything better. This is the beginning of an amazing experience! We are missing one member though, Jie, she is sick with the flu but should be back with us in the next meeting. There were tons of fabulous and ambitious ideas today but the key is to pick something significant yet still small enough to be executed flawlessly in the timeframe that we have. We now have to put a brief together to obtain approval for and then… all hands on deck! :):):) Go dream team!