I spent this past Friday with the General Mills team building wall frames for Habitat for Humanity. It was some seriously tiring work considering I went from having never hammered a nail before (lol) to hammering what seemed like 60+ 3.5″ nails. Each nail must have taken me at least 25 hammers before it went in and it required the strength of both my arms. It was exhausting to say the least; my poor, feeble little arms. I laugh at the thought of this because the supervisor would do no more than 5 hammers with one arm and was good to go. At one point, I was given the option to use a nail gun. I tried it and it scared me. I felt like I was going to end up hurting myself or someone with it by total accident, so I stuck to the good ol’ hammer! Anyway, having said that, it was really quite rewarding in the end and of course, I also learned a thing or two about construction work. Hard work, that’s for sure. And certainly not my forte. ;)