And they’d appreciate it if I shared them on my blog, so I will.
I have a bad habit with seat belts; I don’t wear them unless the car persistently beeps or the driver yells at me. FACT.
I didn’t know what Triscuits were until a month ago, when my colleague brought some. FACT.
I have a bad habit of not holding doors for people, so they slam behind me and people think I’m rude. FACT.
I despise Excel and spreadsheets terrify me. FACT.
I didn’t know that pickles were cucumbers and that you can “pickle” things. What the..??? I thought pickles grew out of the ground? FACT.
I don’t watch ANY television, so I feel left out when people talk about stuff that happened on this episode and that episode of any show. FACT.
I can’t remember the rest.
I’ve finally invested in a brown winter parka from Aritzia. Finally. I’ve pushed this off for three years because every time I’d try to buy one, I always get distracted by their dazzling wool coats and end up buying those instead. They’re not half as warm and they’re double the money but they’re much prettier and I value the pretty factor more than anything else – who cares if the thing works or not. This is one of the few times in my life that I will purchase something solely for its functionality. I look like crap in these big jackets because I’m so small that I drown in them. But the thing is that I really, really, really, really need a solid jacket that keeps me warm. It was time.