I guess I only have time to blog once a week now. It has been so busy!! I feel like I’ve been saying that for the past 3 years hoping I could stop saying it soon and it never seems to happen! Anyway, I COULD NOT WAIT to get home, edit a photo, and blog tonight. I actually go through a withdrawal when I’m disconnected from all of this even for just a short period of time. And then once I go back to it, it feels like paradise. It’s actually a drug.
More than anything, I’m constantly fascinated by the human ability to learn and adapt; how you could be thrown into something completely foreign and incredibly scary (at first) but after some time, you become familiar with it, it becomes a part of you, it’s no longer scary, and becomes the new norm and any old thing. Like freaking out at the beginning of a Finance course and not knowing what the hell is going on and then 12 weeks later, finishing the exam victoriously. Or moving to a new country where no one speaks English but… you figure it out. Or having a baby and figuring it out. Or buying your first home and figuring it out. Or breaking off a long term relationship and figuring it out. Anyone else fascinated by our ability to just… figure it out? :) I suppose the key is how quickly you can figure things out and adapt.
We played some jeopardy at work today. I suck at it. :) Chris is amazing at it. Where does one acquire all of that useless knowledge? :P
Anyway, I have an eventful weekend ahead, so I’m super excited. Tomorrow I am meeting my 601 group for lunch; we’re getting the “storming and norming” stages out of the way before September kicks off our capstone course of the MBA program. Then I’m off to a BBQ with old friends. Then double dates on Sunday. :) Happy weekend!!