From the little bit that I saw, I conclude that the Olympics closing ceremonies in London were quite elaborate and so much more than I would’ve expected (that is if I had cared enough to set expectations in the first place). It is exactly that thing that you didn’t care too much about but then found yourself hopelessly glued to it as you accidentally stumbled upon it. I caught the goosebump-inducing performances of Here Comes The Sun, Imagine, and I Am The Walrus. All things related to the Beatles give me the warm and fuzz. I wish I had tuned in just a bit longer to see the Spice Girls, Muse and Oasis performances (I am currently hooked on a show called Breaking Bad and that had a stronger pull at the time). Did they have Paul McCartney or Elton John perform? Ah, England has certainly bred some great talents into this world.
Here’s a larger version of a surf photo from the set of four in the previous post, as promised.