Today I learned how quickly a bond can form with someone you’ve just met and how effortlessly they become a valued constant in your life; time plays no part. Relationships with people mean more and more to me as I grow older; they are important. Acquaintances are plenty but people you can really, truly, naturally connect with, are rare. I am blessed to have good friends, who make an effort to keep the bond alive and strong with unexpected phone calls, funny text messages, ranting coffee dates, gossiping dinner dates, catch up lunch dates, meaningless wall posts, goofy photoshoots, angry voice messages, apologizing emails, and other such sweet things. And I continue to be blessed to meet new friends like you, who’s gotten me enthralled by the thought of meeting new people in the years to come, not just anyone, but the special ones whom I can share an instant bond with, just like this one. It’s a great piece of awesome to look forward to. Ah, life.
Another photo of my bear below. It fits the mood, I think.