It almost killed me but I killed it instead. Forgot to mention that I got an A- in Managerial Finance. It was one hell of a course but I liked it a lot anyway.
Sometimes I browse through Pinterest for inspiration and read quotes about love that turn me into a putty. And then when there’s one that turns me into an extra large putty, I just smack it on a photo and hope that it works. If someone else’s happiness is your happiness, that is love. This is really true because by nature, we actually like when people are unhappy. It’s shameful and not something we like to admit but it’s mostly true. It’s what the German term Schadenfreude describes. Funny enough, we were talking about this in class the other day and how we live in a world of narcissism and we want to see others fail; an interesting article on it here on CNN and discussion here on Reddit. But my point is, we all love someone and we know that with the people whom we love, their happiness is our happiness and their pain is our pain. The same experience exists among real friends and the opposite, “Schadenfreude”, exists among so-called “friends”. Therefore, the answer boils down to genuine love, care, and compassion for others. But in a world of capitalism and competition? Tough. It takes awareness and a conscious effort.