I changed my theme because the other theme wasn’t the most convenient, since you had to keep on clicking “previous” to go through the photos. Now at least there are ten photos in a page – it looks better, too anyway. I would’ve just fixed the problem on the other theme, but it was hardwired not to post any more than one photo per page and I would’ve turned 65 years old by the time I reversed the codes. So I had to tweak a new theme from scratch and it’s SUCH a headache. Mostly because of Internet Explorer 6. Honestly, just go die. That browser needs to go. I didn’t post a photo yesterday because I was switching themes and dealing with Internet Explorer 6 drama.
Last night, my boyfriend dropped me home at midnight and we’d usually let each other know once we’ve gotten home safely. 2:00am comes around and I hadn’t gotten a call from him. I called his cell phone a million times and he wasn’t picking up. So I called his home and asked his brother if he had gotten home yet. His brother said no. At that point, I was sure he was in a car accident. A friend of mine passed away in an accident back in 2007 and ever since then, I’ve been unhealthily sensitive to things like this. When people are late to meet me or are not where they should be at a certain time, I get worried because I think something has happened to them on the road. GAH. Anyway, I was worried sick, so I got into my car and started driving around in a mission to find him trapped somewhere all alone. I was going to vomit and my stomach felt like exploding just thinking about WHAT IF. Halfway through my drive, his brother calls and says that he’s actually in his room passed out. Oh my god. Do that again and die.
Photo below is option B for Canon’s internal photo contest. Found that mini canvas at the Dollar Store and got my artsy fartsy little sister to draw a shapey robot for me.