I’ve been busy and have been back to posting inconsistently – sorry.
First of all, I have finally retired my 6-year-old Macbook even though there is still no end in sight except for a fried battery, which six years later, is an acceptable problem to have. For those who have been Mac lovers forever, you may recall the old generation 13″ Macbooks that were dressed entirely in white – the apple of my eye and love of my life for many years – we are now parting ways. I was just itching to start anew with a pretty Macbook Pro, so I splurged on one and upgraded it to an 8 GB ram. This thing is speedy gonzales and editing my photos is like heaven on Earth. Not that it wasn’t before on the old Mac, but it is even faster now. I’m also operating on Mountain Lion and can send iMessages through my laptop – amazing. I also splurged on a Herschel laptop case (to match with my Herschel backpack) and the all new and mighty Magic Mouse, which, by the way, takes my breath away and I hereby proclaim my love for it.
Secondly, I’ve booked off the entire week up until Tuesday next week to use up my remaining vacation days this year. It’s not much of a vacation though when I’d rather be in San Francisco and am instead studying, fulfilling Etsy orders, organizing, ramping up my new Mac, and checking into work every now and then to prevent or put out fires. We’ll have to make it a vacation by sleeping in every day I suppose.
Have to make dinner for the man now. When I have time off and am ‘not working’ and am at home instead of traveling, then I would inevitably become domesticated. You know – cook and clean and stuff like that. Foreign to me on most days (lol).