I’m hitting plateaus a lot faster than I used to. I need new photoshoot locations. I need photoshoot buddies that will get up and go with me whenever, wherever. I need to go on my trip in August now (and then go again in August). I need a road trip. I need to move somewhere. I need money. I need time. I need something new. I need to exercise. I need the hot summer sun beaming on my skin. I need to take a course. I need to keep learning. I need to feel progress. I need to move forward. I need to reach that next milestone. I need to be closer to God. I need to take dance lessons. I need to go sky diving. I need to go zip lining. I need to ride a hot air balloon. I need to take some GOOD pictures because they’re lacking lately. I need to trespass into someone’s farmland and take a photo. I need to start a business with a good team. I need a dutch bike. One that fits little people like me.