Finally did my first exhibit!!! I’m not one to capture life events on Smartphones but this is all I have from the show for now. I was so caught up in all of it that I didn’t even take my actual camera out of my bag once to snap a few decent photographs. Regrettably, we’ll just have to settle for an Instagram shot. Nothing makes me less satisfied than capturing life events on phones, given their current quality. It makes me feel like the events aren’t captured at all. I don’t know what it is. If you can’t ever blow up the picture, print it and display it on your walls or a physical photo album, or project it on a screen without it looking like complete crap, I don’t consider it “captured”. You can’t tell stories with your pictures the same way on a darn mobile device or laptop screen. And the story is certainly less compelling when the pictures are crap. But that’s just me. But I also do realize that in the next 5 years, Smartphones will have the same censors as point-and-shoot cameras or even DSLRs (for the real innovative companies), at which point, my narrative would change. Anyway, at least there were professional photographers on site, so I’m going to see how I can get a hold of their shots. :) Overall an amazing show with some serious talent. For what it’s worth, I’ve certainly been bit by the “showcase bug” and am definitely going to do more shows in the future.
Going back to San Francisco photography, The Painted Ladies are up next.