I don’t have a good excuse for missing February 10th and 11th. But I do have a good excuse for the 12th, 13th, and 14th – I’ve been sick with a cough and cold the last three days and have barely been making it out of work alive. But I am better today, so I’m ecstatic. We, or I should say “I”, take my health for granted. Just a small cough and cold is enough to make you not want to do anything. It’s a good reminder to stay on top of your health and keep strong because we forget what it’s like to get sick – it really sucks. Productivity plummets and everything else comes crashing down with it. I am also in a habit of getting through coughs and colds without any medication, making the recovery process a lot slower and more painful, but because it does wonders for your immune system, I do it!
Anyway, happy belated Valentine’s Day. I hope there was overwhelming love.