Yesterday was one of the most spectacular road (day-)trips I’ve ever had. We hit the road at 7:30AM and drove three and a half hours to Sauble Beach only to find the beach at 12 degrees celcius, stuck in the middle of a grey fog. No problem. Let’s improvise. We continued driving for another hour or two to the heart of Bruce Peninsula, where we visited the National Park and left quickly after realizing it’s a hiking and camping ground, which we weren’t prepared for. So we drove to the absolute west coast of Bruce Peninsula to the Big Tub Lighthouse (I’m obsessed with lighthouses), climbed some rocks, took photos, and kissed the sun. Then we drove to Tobermory to grab a bite (and take photos) at the absolute cutest, CUTEST cafe I’ve ever seen, called A Mermaid’s Secret. The food was terrible and cost us $20 but the prettiness made up for it. There was a hippie clothing shop next door to the cafe, so we checked it out for fun. After that, we drove to the absolute east coast of Bruce Peninsula to the Cabot Head Lighthouse. This lighthouse is an actual house and a lighthouse together and is now a historic house where the insides are antique and preserved – you can imagine how I pretty much died when we went inside. In between all this driving, we would catch pretty things like little narrow greenery pathways and would pull over for photos. We also passed by a number of garage sales but unfortunately, could not convince my boyfriend to stop for them. On the way back home from Bruce, we stopped by two abandoned houses that we caught on the countryside. We must’ve passed by 8 or 10 of them but couldn’t have possibly visited each one and still make it home on the same day. So, I’m saving the rest of them for when I re-do this trip and tackle the rest of Bruce Peninsula with my photogirlfriend. The whole day was basically an unplanned, spontaneous photographic adventure and I’m thankful that Sauble Beach turned out the way it did, otherwise, the rest of the day would not have seen SPECTACULAR.
Photography brings me to my highest place and gives me a reason to do things I wouldn’t normally do. I love it so much.