dad, for the thirty minutes we spend together every morning chatting and bonding as we drive to work,
mom, for working so hard to put a roof over our heads,
big brothers, for watching out for me and being a reliable source of help,
little sister, for laughing with me every night until I fall asleep,
boyfriend, for loving and understanding me like no one else can,
grandmother, for being so burdened to always make good food for the family,
friends, good friends, and old friends, for being right behind me in everything that I do,
church, for keeping me by God’s side,
former and current colleagues and bosses, for making work a great second home,
acquaintances, for the random, unexpected conversations that spark an inspiration,
Twitter followers, for responding to my tweets and making me feel heard,
mentors, mamabears, and papabears, for your advice, teachings, and encouragement,
Photo A Day regulars, for driving my passion for photography and making me want to keep taking photos,
role models, for motivating me to do more, be more, give more, and see more,
life’s lessons, for slowly revealing the golden nuggets in life – the truly important things,
Golden Retriever, for watching me leave for work in the morning and anticipating my return in the evening.
There is so much more to be thankful for. I love my life and I am surrounded by all things beautiful. I have little of the material riches of the world, but I am so rich in love, genuine bonds, treasured relationships, and a tightly knit family, and I have a heart that can barely contain my happiness, gratefulness, and appreciation for everything that I have. Happy thanksgiving, everyone. :)