This is the final item in my summer (photo)bucket list – the Windfest 2011 Kite Festival by the beach. I can now say I’m ready for Fall. I’ve had the fullest, fullest summer yet. I traveled and I made every weekend back home an eventful weekend, not with party things, but with little road trips and adventures. I went to see Portugal, Spain, hot air balloons, kites, airplanes, carnivals, circuses, abandoned houses – things I love but would not have energy to get up and go do and see if it wasn’t for photography. So much of my photo wishes have come true. I’ve truly found something that makes me sooo happy. My Etsy Shop is at 127 sales – help me make it explode. Come shopping if you’re ever bored :).
There were a ton of crazy looking kites at the festival, but I had my eye on this one because it looked most like your classic, back-to-basics, diamond-shaped kite with a tail and it was a thousand times more beautiful than any kite packed with bells and whistles.