I sat through a very, very inspiring speech today at our marketing launch. I love successful people (I call them the big boys); they give me a rush. Woohoo! I am inspired by our rock and rolling 250+ sales team. They make me want to make money.
You know what they say – if you want to be young and making the same amount of money (or more) as your doctor and lawyer friends (or catch up to them FAST) without being a doctor or a lawyer and without paying back medical or law school debt, go into sales. BOOM! That’s how you do it.
Universities give us the complete wrong impression of a career in sales. I came out of Ryerson University thinking that sales is for MEH people (and maybe in some cases it is but obviously not all), but I am just learning that my entire outlook on it is completely, 200% faulty and ignorant. It is actually one of the most exciting and rewarding career paths, if you can rock and roll at it. I developed this false concept during my four years in university, so I blame Ryerson for this one. But thanks to working for Canon, the company has shed light on my ignorance.
I delivered my presentation four times today. I feel like I’m going to sleepwalk tonight and start presenting to my dog. Four more times tomorrow and then it’s finally Friday.