When I woke up yesterday morning and saw flat gray skies outside my window, I almost passed up the Christie Antique Show. How grateful I am today for not making such a silly decision. I picked up my girlfriend (who I knew would appreciate the show as much as I did) and headed to Dundas, Ontario. When we got there, we were both dumbfounded, overwhelmed, overjoyed, we both felt a stroke coming on. We giggled and shrieked like little girls at a Justin Bieber concert. My head felt like exploding and I was stressed out because I didn’t know where to begin. Everywhere I turned, I saw acres and acres of BEAUTIFUL antique knick knacks, furniture, trinkets, and all things vintage – I was paralyzed by the sight of my heaven. I am INSPIRED to save, save, save for my house, particularly my creative studio inside my house and dress my haven in rustic antique furniture.
I’ve always known that I wanted a creative room in my home (this has been a part of my personal bio for years). I’ve just never actually been able to visualize it. Not until yesterday in the midst of all that antique beauty. The sudden strike of my studio’s visual INSPIRED me to take my photography to the next level by exploring PRINTS & FRAMES. Sure, I can sell digital copies of my photos, but I can sell for more if I developed high quality prints and placed them in unique, crafty frames that I will put together myself to reflect the style of my work. I’ll brand it and I’ll sell it in this complete package. After all, I have a career in Marketing, so this should come naturally. Execution is everything and lucky for me, it’s my favourite part of the process. Ideas mean nothing until you make them come alive. Execute.
So, I actually wrote up my Shop Policies on Etsy and have made a note (or commitment) that Charlene Precious will soon offer professional prints in addition to digital print-ready files. :) I’m going to start by offering prints and then move onto the frames. I’ll work through this step by step.
I urge you: go out and get inspired.