Yes, I’m blogging and I have a million things to say.
(1) My eternal GMAT studying is coming together. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Albeit a long tunnel.
(2) I’ve reached 300 sales on Etsy. I still remember when I had only 6 sales. I will also likely be signing a contract with an art publisher and distributor on Monday.
(3) My little sister graduated from high school with flying colours and is attending the University of Toronto for the Rotman Commerce Program. She is brilliant and I am so happy for her. Academics are sexy.
(4) The photo below are of fuzzy wild horses from ICELAND. Without fail, I set aside a budget to travel every year but every now and then, I live vicariously through another traveler who has seen a place that I desire but have not seen myself. Iceland is one of those places. I skimmed through his wonky tourist shots and handpicked the ones that had subtle potential for reinvention; to be transformed into a Charlene Precious fine art photograph. It is not typical that I would borrow someone else’s travel photograph to reinvent. (And never another artist’s photograph. Only my non-photographer friends who take photos with little or no thought and simply for keepsake and memories). But if I had to borrow a photograph, it will always be a travel photograph. I have a weakness for them because I simply can’t travel the entire world. Unless of course I wake up absolutely rich and with an immortal soul tomorrow – infinite money and time would enable me to travel the entire world. I’d like that.
(5) I’ve re-written my ABOUT page to reflect my general growth in life. I haven’t touched or read this in a year and certain claims were no longer true and some even sounded a bit juvenile. It’s wild to go back and read things that you wrote a year ago and are less than impressed with it now. But at the time, it felt like it was genius. I’m going to go ahead and call it growth. Read if you care, otherwise, I don’t mind.
(6) I miss A PHOTO A DAY so much, you have no idea. I can’t wait to be back here every day. Please don’t let me go. I will be back with an abundance of beautiful art. I promise.