I’ve been updating all of my web assets little by little over the last week before classes started back up so that I’m all set to go for the year. Here’s a quick hit list!
What’s been updated?
CharlenePrecious.com: Re-structured the content a little bit. I updated the About and Shop page and added the Services and Contact page.
My bio: Re-wrote to share a bit more about my professional side.
About page: Revised a little bit. I read this every now and again as a check-point because I find that sometimes I write something a certain way, love it one day and hate it the next.
Etsy shop: Created a new shop banner and have started to improve the categorization of the listings. I’m realizing that there are way too many items now and it’s probably making the shopping experience inconvenient and harder than it should be.
LinkedIn: Updated and filled in my profile quite a bit to get it network-ready.
What’s in the works?
If you know me, you’ll also know that I’m obsessed with greeting cards, especially the ones by Papyrus. I swear by Papyrus cards! You’ll also know that I love stationery in general and could easily spend hours in a stationery shop. Re-purposing my photography for stationery has always been on the radar and that journey began with postcards. This year, we build on it with greeting cards and invitation cards, which I am hoping to be able to post on Etsy by March. I’m being ambitious about this because I’m anticipating to have more time to dedicate to it this year than last. The invitation cards were actually inspired by designing my own wedding invitations and incorporating my photography into it. It was one of those a-ha moments, realizing that it’s value that I could create for others. All that said, I’m in design phase now. :)
Facebook fan page. I really need to do this, I just haven’t taken the plunge because it’s going to require attention and maintenance and there was absolutely zero bandwidth for it last year. I may get to this in the next couple of months. When I do finally launch the fan page, I plan to throw a contest along with it to get the Likes going! :)
And that’s a wrap for today!